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Diet tips for High Uric Acid Patients

Is your joint pain persistent despite multiple visits to physiotherapist and taking no of pain killers?

Got your lab results back and it shows high uric acid?

High uric acid levels in the blood-streams can lead to a common form of arthritis called gout. If uric acid is not eliminated normally from the body, it can build up in the bloodstream leading to joint inflammation and pain.

A person who has a high level of blood uric acid level should follow a diet pattern that would help in decreasing its level in the body.

What to Avoid:

These are the food items that increase the production of uric acid in the body

  • Whole pulses (masoor, rajmah, chana, chole etc.) Other dals are allowed as these increase the production of purines that causes an increase in uric acid
  • Red Meat like mutton, Fish (sardine, roe, makeral) also incease the production of purine
  • Vegetables and fruits – Most fruits and vegetables are good for the body having high uric acid except these which are best avoided -green peas(matar), spinach(palak), beans, brinjal(baigan), cauliflower(gobhi), mushroom, chickoo.
  • Restriction of / Quit- Alcohol/Beer/Wine

Diet Rules:

  • Use less salt while cooking
  • You can add tomato vinegar, amchur, lime juice curd and pepper powder to make food more palatable
  • Avoid salted nuts/biscuits, papads, pickles, chutneys
  • Avoid excess consumption of processed and preserved foods like breads, cheese etc.
  • These lead to increase in inflammation in the body causing more pain in joints

Recommended Foods:

Some of the foods that are favourable in high uric acid condition are

  • Bananas
  • Tomatoes- tomato is alkaline by nature and when it is exposed to the bloodstream it increases the alkalinity of the blood thus reducing the effects of uric acid on body
  • Vegetables like cabbage , broccoli reduce formation of uric acid
  • Pineapple is natural anti-inflammatory fruit that can help to reduce swelling and pain associated with uric acid. Bromelain enzyme in pineapple has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Foods high in Vit C (orange/keenu, red bell peppers, amla) Vitamin C disintegrates uric acid and forces it out of the body through urine
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Chocolate
  • Tea – inhibits the formation of an enzyme that is needed for uric acid formation thus causing reduction in its production
  • Fluid intake should be atleast 2 litres daily as it helps in flushing out of excess uric acid from the body

contact 8287610561 for more information

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